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What are the Busiest Days for Movers?

Serving Arizona Since 1978

When planning for a move, it’s important to consider the busiest days for movers. These are the times when moving companies experience a surge in demand and may have limited availability. Understanding the busiest days for movers can help you make informed decisions and ensure a smooth relocation process.

Peak moving periods can often lead to higher costs and a more stressful experience, which is why it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what to expect. By doing so, you can make the necessary arrangements and plan ahead to avoid any potential challenges.

Key Takeaways:

  • Knowing the busiest days for movers can help you plan your move more efficiently.
  • Peak moving periods can lead to higher costs and limited availability.
  • It’s important to anticipate high-demand periods and make necessary arrangements ahead of time.
  • Understanding the factors that contribute to busy moving days can help you avoid potential challenges.
  • By choosing the right timing for your relocation, you can ensure a smooth transition to your new home.

Factors Affecting the Busiest Days for Movers

Several factors contribute to the busiest days for movers. Understanding these factors can help you anticipate high-demand periods and enable you to plan your move accordingly.

Factor 1: Time of the month: The beginning and end of the month are typically busier for movers due to lease agreements and rental periods. Many people schedule their moves during these times to coincide with the start of a new lease or rental period.

Busiest Days Less Busy Days
1st and last days of the month Middle of the month

Factor 2: Day of the week: Weekdays, from Monday to Thursday, tend to be less busy than weekends. Many people prefer to move on weekends to avoid taking time off work. As a result, Fridays and Saturdays are often the busiest days for movers.

Factor 3: Seasonal demand: The time of year can also affect the busiest days for movers. Summer months, from June through September, are typically the most in-demand due to favorable weather conditions and school breaks. The end and beginning of the year are also peak moving seasons, as many people prefer to relocate before the start of a new year.

By considering these factors, you can plan your move during a less busy time, potentially saving money and avoiding scheduling conflicts.

Weekdays vs. Weekends: When are Movers Busiest?

When planning your move, one of the most crucial decisions is choosing the best day to relocate. Typically, weekends are considered to be the most convenient time for moving, as most people have time off work and can use this time to settle in their new home. However, this also means that weekend moving is in high demand, making it the most expensive option.

On the other hand, weekdays tend to be quieter for movers, which makes them a more affordable option. Additionally, moving on a weekday might result in more flexibility with scheduling because movers are less likely to be overbooked. If you have a flexible work schedule or can take time off, it could be beneficial to opt for a weekday move.

Another factor to consider is the time of the month. If you’re moving at the end or beginning of the month, you’ll likely face more competition for movers, making them more expensive and more challenging to book. However, mid-month moving is often less expensive and more convenient as there’s less demand for moving services.

When deciding when to move, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that suits your budget and timeline the best. Keep in mind that while weekends are typically the most popular choice, you could save money by relocating on a weekday or during the middle of the month. Ultimately, the right decision will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

Busiest Moving Times of the Year

Planning a move can be challenging, especially when you consider the busiest times of the year for movers. These peak periods are marked by intense demand and can be a stressful time for those looking to relocate. Understanding the factors that contribute to this high volume of activity can help you make informed decisions and ensure a seamless transition to your new home.

Summer months are typically the busiest time of the year for movers. Families tend to move during this time to avoid disruptions to their children’s schooling. University students also tend to move during the summer break. This high demand can lead to limited availability for moving services and higher fees.

Similarly, the end and beginning of the year are also peak periods for movers. The end of the year is particularly busy due to the holiday season, with many people wanting to be in their new homes before the festivities kick off. The beginning of the year is a popular time for fresh starts and new beginnings, and moving is often a part of that.

However, it’s worth noting that there are also slower periods for movers throughout the year. For example, moving in the winter months may be less busy, as people tend to stay put during the colder weather. This can mean lower prices and more availability for those looking to move during this time.

Month Peak Moving Season?
January No
February No
March No
April Somewhat
May Somewhat
June Yes
July Yes
August Yes
September Somewhat
October Somewhat
November Yes
December Yes

Of course, each moving company may experience different levels of demand, so it’s always important to check availability and pricing with your chosen provider. By researching and planning ahead, you can avoid the stress of moving during peak periods and ensure a successful move.


As you can see, understanding the busiest days for movers is essential when planning your relocation. By factoring in the various elements that affect moving activity, you can make informed decisions regarding the timing of your move.

Whether you choose to move on a weekday or weekend, be sure to book your movers well in advance, especially during peak seasons. This will ensure that you secure the date and time that works best for you and avoid last-minute stress.

Ultimately, the key to a successful move is preparation and foresight. Knowing the busiest moving times and optimizing your schedule accordingly will help you streamline the process and minimize any potential setbacks.

So, when planning your move, take the time to research and analyze the busiest days for movers. With a well-thought-out strategy in place, you can achieve a smooth transition to your new home, no matter what time of year it is.


What are the busiest days for movers?

The busiest days for movers are typically during weekends and at the end/beginning of the month. These periods tend to have higher demand due to people’s preferences for moving during their off days and aligning their leases or contracts with the start or end of a month.

What factors affect the busiest days for movers?

Several factors contribute to certain days being busier for movers. These factors include the time of year (e.g., peak moving seasons), holidays, school breaks, and even weather conditions. Understanding these factors can help you anticipate high-demand periods and plan your move accordingly.

When are movers busiest: weekdays or weekends?

Movers tend to be busier on weekends compared to weekdays. This is because many people prefer to schedule their moves on weekends when they have more free time and can potentially avoid taking days off from work. However, moving on weekdays can sometimes offer advantages, such as lower costs and better availability from moving companies.

What are the busiest moving times of the year?

The busiest moving times of the year are typically during the summer months (June to August) and the end/beginning of the year (December to January). These periods coincide with holidays, school breaks, and people’s desire to settle into a new home before the start of a new year or school year.

How can understanding the busiest days for movers help with my move?

Understanding the busiest days for movers can help you plan your move more effectively. By avoiding peak periods, you may be able to secure better availability and potentially lower costs. Additionally, being aware of these busy times allows you to plan ahead, book your moving services in advance, and ensure a smoother transition to your new home.

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